• Easy Ways To Make Money Reselling

    Side Hustle Guide – Make Money Reselling What is Reselling? Buying and selling things is the oldest form of economic activity in the world, and there is still a huge market for people who want to purchase used goods. Reselling items purchased on the high street is perfectly legal. Some people believe reselling from charity shops is ethical since the shop sets the prices and the money still goes to charity. I have been selling items on various online platforms for a while now. Initially, I sold only my belongings that I no longer needed. However, after stumbling upon some Instagram users who were reselling items they had purchased from…

  • Sinking Funds – What Are They?!

    Have you ever heard of sinking funds?! I know I hadn’t before starting my financial freedom journey. I only set mine up this year – and I wish I had started sooner! A sinking fund is a way to mentally and physically allocate your money so as to better protect you and your peace of mind.  For me, I have always felt guilty about spending money. I don’t know why or where it stems from, but it’s really hard for me to buy treats, days out or anything fun! Sinking funds allow you to make small, manageable steps toward your ultimate goal in my opinion. What is a Sinking Fund?…

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  • I am in the newspaper!

    I am in the newspaper! Since making my blog I’ve been approached a few times about collaborating with writers and bloggers to tell my story which is quite exciting and very new to me! Money is always hard to talk about, but if I can inspire a few other people & give some ideas to newbies then it’s worth it. That’s why I started my Instagram and website. My first article was in The Mirror and all about my side hustles on the income I make from them all. With the help of other money-saving bloggers, Gemma went on to build up an established network of various ‘side hustles’ which she…

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  • Savings: Expectations vs Reality

    Expectations vs Reality in Saving So, I want to let you into a little secret… Having savings isn’t everything. All my life I have had a little person in my head telling me not to spend any money, limit what I have and restrict as much as possible. Every little penny I spend I feel guilty for so I have just saved constantly. I would love to be the kind of person that loves to shop and spend, I even feel a bit jealous of people who get in a little debt as they have spent their money on things they want. weird right? So the word I am aiming…

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  • Make Money with RedWigWam

    Make Money With RedWigWam Mystery Shopping What is Redwigwam? RedWigWam brings hirers and workers from across the UK together for part-time and temp roles. These roles can last between 30 mins up-to a couple of months and have a range of skills needed. RedWigWam take your skills, jobs, location and available time and show you the jobs which match you! lets see how to Make Money with RedWigWam. I downloaded the app last year during Lockdowns, and have so far completed about 10 jobs with them and earned up to £200. The jobs i have completed are Merchandise Quick In-Store Stock Check Taste and Review Online Product Reviewer My favourite…

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  • Top Tips For Saving Money In 2023

    You might be surprised to learn how much you can save in the UK when you’re smart about your spending decisions. The reality is that if you’re not careful, you’ll spend more than you need to on things like utilities, food, entertainment, and even travel expenses—no matter where you live in the country or what your income level happens to be. Fortunately, this doesn’t have to be the case. Let’s see below for more details about Top Tips For Saving Money In 2023. Set Goals Every Month So You Have Something To Work Towards Once you know what kind of lifestyle you want to achieve, start setting goals every month.…

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  • Simple Ways To Earn Money 2023

    Invest your savings by yourself and start making money. There are two types of investing: active and passive. The former involves attending investment conferences, researching different stocks, and trying to decide which one to pick. Active investing is quite a rigorous process since you need to do the research yourself and make cost-benefit comparisons while being sure not to get carried away with excitement. This can all be done on your own, but why would you want to? Passive investing is a much less intense way to invest because it relies on the work of others—online Robo advisors—to do all the heavy lifting for you (and usually does better). But…

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  • Best Receipt Apps For Earning Money in the UK

    RECEIPT APPS Best Receipt Apps For Earning Money in the UK Receipt apps are the best way to maximize your earnings and save money in the UK. With receipt apps like Storewards and HuYu, you can easily earn rewards and cash back for submitting receipts from your shopping trips. All you need to do is link the app to your payment method, upload photos of your receipts, and then get rewarded with points or cash. Well, why don’t you start earning a bit of cash? I use four main apps on my phone every day (or thereabouts), take a photo, upload them to all apps, answer a couple of questions…

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  • Low Cost Travel

    Starting Your Own Business in 2023

    I started my own small craft business about eight years ago now, Starting Your Own Business was very different then and Etsy was just for handmade sellers (now anyone can sell anything on there!), social media wasn’t that popular and shopping online was not the norm… Times have changed very quickly, Starting Your Own Business is very easy such – Selling on Etsy, Amazon, eBay and Vinted Animal sitting/walking Coaching & Mentoring Cleaning Childcare Here is a list of resources I have either found whilst searching online or used myself. Mentorsme – An online service for small and medium-sized businesses (SMEs) that allows you to search for mentoring services according…

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