Mystery Shopping

Mystery Shopping with the Field Agent App

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Field agent mystery app

Mystery shopping with the Field Agent App allows individuals to earn money by completing various tasks and assignments.

Mystery shopping, also known as secret shopping, is a market research technique where you pose as a regular customer to assess and evaluate the quality of service, compliance with brand standards, and overall customer experience at specific locations such as retail stores, restaurants, or hotels.

I have used Field Agent for about three years alongside Shepper, Roamler and BeMyEye. I find the tasks easy to complete; you rarely get the jobs returned to you if something wasn’t perfectly reported (BeMyEye is bad for this!)

The jobs are well paid, but because I live in a small area, I don’t have many tasks available on the app. You do get notified of new jobs, though, and you have to be quick to take them as they get snapped up.

field agent review

Field Agent facilitates the connection between businesses or organisations and a pool of individuals who are ready to conduct mystery shopping tasks. The following is a breakdown of the process:

  1. Task Availability: The app provides a list of available tasks in your area. These tasks can include taking photos of product displays, checking product availability, evaluating customer service, or providing feedback on a particular store or product.
  2. Task Selection: You can select the tasks you are interested in and eligible to complete. Each task typically has specific requirements, instructions, and a deadline.
  3. Task Completion: Once you accept a task, you visit the specified location and complete the assigned activities. This may involve answering survey questions, taking photos, making purchases (which may be reimbursed), or interacting with employees.
  4. Submission and Payment: After completing the task, you submit the required information, such as photos, responses, or receipts, through the app. The information is reviewed and validated by the Field Agent team. Upon successful verification, you will receive payment for the completed task. Payments are typically made through platforms like PayPal or direct bank transfers.

field agent mystery shopping app

Mystery Shopping with the Field Agent App

Field Agent offers individuals an opportunity to earn extra income in their spare time by performing quick and straightforward assignments. It is important to note that task availability and payment rates may vary depending on your location and the specific requirements of each task.

In conclusion, mystery shopping is an excellent way to make extra money while helping businesses improve their customer service. It’s a great side hustle for anyone looking to increase their productivity and earn some extra cash without having to leave the house.
Mystery Shopping with the Field Agent App is one of the best UK-based mystery shopping companies, offering competitive rates and plenty of opportunities for shoppers. With its easy-to-use mobile app, you can quickly find jobs in your area and get paid within days.
So why not give it a try? You may be surprised by how quickly you can start earning money from this exciting side hustle!

phone app

What side hustle ideas are you most excited to explore? Let me know in the comments below.

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Before you go, make sure to check out these related blog posts that offer valuable insights on additional mystery shopping sites you can explore.

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