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Get Paid to Test – Make Money Online

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Get Paid to Test Websites and Apps – Make Money Online

Side Hustle Ideas – Get Paid to Test

In today’s world, making money has become more accessible than ever before. With the rise of the internet, there are now many ways to earn an income online.

One option that has become increasingly popular is testing websites and apps.

Companies are willing to pay individuals for their feedback on their products, making it a great side hustle idea for those looking to make extra cash.

Get Paid to Test - Make Money Online
Get Paid to Test – Make Money Online

What is Website and App Testing?

Website and app testing are where companies pay individuals to test their websites or apps and provide feedback. This feedback helps companies find bugs, glitches, and improvement areas to improve their products.

Testing can include various aspects, such as user interface, usability, and functionality. Companies are willing to pay individuals for their feedback as it helps them create better products and improve customer satisfaction.

Get Paid to Test – Make Money Online – How to Get Started

If you’re interested in becoming a website tester, there are a few steps you can take to get started:

  • Research website testing companies: There are many companies out there that hire website testers. Do your research to find out which ones are reputable and pay well.
  • Create a profile: Once you have identified some website testing companies you’re interested in, create a profile on their website.
  • Take a sample test: Many website testing companies will require you to take a sample test before they will consider you for paid work. This is your chance to show off your skills and attention to detail.
  • Start testing: Once you have been accepted as a website tester, start accepting testing jobs and earning money!

These companies can be found through a simple Google search. Some popular companies that offer website and app testing opportunities include:

Testing Time

At TestingTime, corporations have the opportunity to enlist the help of genuine individuals to evaluate the usability of their software and other products.

As a tester, you can earn payment for assessing a wide range of items, including but not limited to applications, websites, tangible goods, electronic devices, culinary offerings, and software programs.


Testbirds is a website that offers crowd-testing services to help businesses improve their digital products.

Testbirds is a legitimate user-testing site that offers some beneficial features. However, it’s important to note that the platform also has some limitations that you should be aware of before deciding whether or not to use it.

I have personally used this for over a year now, and have made an overall £158. I had to buy a product online and then return it, whilst documenting my entire journey through screenshots and reviews.

It was an easy process and I got paid well, so if your looking at something quite passive this is the site to use.


  • Pays well for the jobs you do
  • Offers payment via PayPal
  • Relatively low payout threshold compared to some sites
  • Some jobs are quite fun
  • Excellent support is available if you are stuck


  • Not many earning opportunities offered
  • Takes a bit of time before you can start earning
  • Some jobs are not paid – you just get points

Once you find a company that interests you, you will need to sign up and create a profile. After creating a profile, you will be sent opportunities to test various websites and apps.

The amount of money paid per test can vary, but it is not uncommon for testers to earn anywhere from $10 to $100 per test.


Usability testing is simple and fun! You can do it from your phone, tablet or computer, in the comfort of your home or at your preferred location. Not only do you get paid to test, but you learn something new every time and get a sneak peek of what the brands you love most are working on.

Even better, you will play a vital role in making the world more user-friendly!

Get Paid to Test – Make Money Online

Tips for Successful Website and App Testing

While website and app testing may seem simple, there are a few tips to keep in mind to ensure successful testing:

  • Pay attention to detail: As a tester, it is essential to pay attention to detail. Look for any bugs, glitches, or areas of improvement that could benefit the product.
  • Provide honest feedback: Companies want honest feedback, even if it may not be what they want to hear. Providing honest feedback helps companies improve their products and create better customer experiences.
  • Be timely: Many website and app testing opportunities have deadlines. It is crucial to complete tests promptly to avoid missing out on future opportunities.
  • Stay organised: Keeping track of testing opportunities and deadlines is essential. Creating a schedule or using a calendar to stay organised is a good idea.

What to Expect

Website testing can be a fun and rewarding side hustle, but it’s important to know what to expect before you get started. Here are a few things to keep in mind:

  • Pay: Website testing pay can vary, but most companies will pay between $10 and $20 per test. The amount you earn will depend on the complexity of the test and the time required to complete it.
  • Tests: You may not always be offered tests, and the tests you are offered may not always be a good fit for you. Be prepared to be patient and flexible.
  • Feedback: As a website tester, you will be expected to provide detailed feedback on your experience. This feedback should be honest and constructive.


Website and app testing is an excellent side hustle idea for those looking to make extra cash. With the rise of the internet, there are now many ways to earn an income online.

Testing websites and apps is one option that has become increasingly popular. With these tips, you can be successful in website and app testing and earn money while providing valuable feedback to companies.


What side hustle ideas are you most excited to explore? Let me know in the comments below.

If you’re eager to dive deeper into the world of side hustles and learn proven techniques to maximise your earnings, don’t miss out on my exclusive collection of side hustle ebooks available in the shop on my website to get you started on your journey.

Ebooks for Sale Here

Before you go, make sure to check out these related blog posts that offer valuable insights on additional testing sites you can explore.

Super Savvy Me App Product Testing in the UK: The Review

How to Make Extra Money in 2023




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