Saving Money

Savings: Expectations vs Reality

Expectations vs Reality in Saving

So, I want to let you into a little secret…

Having savings isn’t everything. All my life I have had a little person in my head telling me not to spend any money, limit what I have and restrict as much as possible. Every little penny I spend I feel guilty for so I have just saved constantly.

I would love to be the kind of person that loves to shop and spend, I even feel a bit jealous of people who get in a little debt as they have spent their money on things they want. weird right?

So the word I am aiming for is BALANCE!

It’s all about balance, remember to treat yourself as if you have earned your money, and don’t feel so guilty about spending money. But also not doing this too much if that’s the way you are.

It might be an idea to work through your priorities and see what’s important to you. Maybe make a list of what your goals are and how you will achieve them.




I know what you’re thinking: “I wish I had more money to save.”

here’s the thing about saving: it’s not everything.

In fact, I think it’s possible that we’re all way too obsessed with our savings accounts. Because having savings isn’t the only thing that matters. In fact, if you don’t have a healthy relationship with money, it doesn’t matter how much you’re saving—you can still find yourself in trouble.

You might be surprised at how much better your life is when you stop worrying about how much money is in your account and start focusing on what you can do with it instead.

piggy bank, Savings

I have recently created some savings trackers for if you are struggling with saving. They are colourful and easily printable – so you can repeatedly print out new trackers if you have a new goal in mind 🙂 They are in my Etsy shop along with a few other trackers if you want to take a look!

Help Save Money Etsy

I have a brand new ebook for sale!

Amazing inside info on how to earn £500+ a month just doing Market Research.

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