Mystery Shopping

Mystery shopping

Mystery Shopping: A Guide for the UK

What is mystery shopping?

Mystery shopping is a research method used by companies to assess the customer experience provided by their employees. Mystery shoppers are hired to visit businesses and pose as regular customers. They are then asked to complete a detailed report on their experience, noting everything from the store’s cleanliness to the staff’s friendliness.

Mystery shopping is a great way for companies to identify areas to improve their customer service. It can also be used to measure the effectiveness of new training programs or marketing campaigns.

How does mystery shopping work?

Mystery shoppers are typically assigned a specific task to complete during their visit. For example, they may be asked to purchase a certain product, ask a question about a service, or simply observe the customer service interaction.

Once the mystery shopper has completed their task, they will be asked to complete a report. The report will typically include questions about the following:

  • The overall appearance and cleanliness of the business
  • The friendliness and helpfulness of the staff
  • The accuracy of the information provided by the staff
  • The speed and efficiency of the checkout process
  • The overall customer experience

Why do people do mystery shopping?

There are a few reasons why people choose to become mystery shoppers. Some people do it for the extra money, while others enjoy the opportunity to visit different businesses and try new products and services. Mystery shopping can also be a good way to learn about the customer experience and to provide feedback to businesses.

Companies that use mystery shoppers in the UK

Several companies use mystery shoppers in the UK. Some of the most popular companies include:

  • Market Force
  • Ipsos MORI
  • TNS
  • Red Wigwam
  • Mystery Dining by HGEM
  • ESA Retail
  • Serve Legal
  • Lionbridge Online Mystery Shoppers

How to become a mystery shopper in the UK

To become a mystery shopper in the UK, you must register with a mystery shopping company. Once you have registered, you will be able to view and apply for mystery shopping assignments.

When applying for an assignment, you will typically be asked to provide your personal information, your availability, and your areas of interest. You will also be asked to complete a short training quiz.

Once you have been accepted for an assignment, you will be given a detailed briefing on the task that you need to complete. You will also be given a deadline for submitting your report.

Tips for being a successful mystery shopper

Here are a few tips for being a successful mystery shopper:

  • Be prepared. Make sure to read the briefing carefully and understand the task that you need to complete.
  • Be objective. Try to be as objective as possible in your report. Avoid stating opinions or personal biases.
  • Be specific. Provide specific examples in your report to support your claims.
  • Be timely. Submit your report by the deadline.


Mystery shopping can be a fun and rewarding way to earn extra money. It is also a great way to learn about the customer experience and to provide feedback to businesses. If you are interested in becoming a mystery shopper, there are several companies that you can register with

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